Bowel Preparation Kit:

Easy to take in 3 divided doses. A white granulate powder which is dissolved in cold water and drunk. You drink a small amount of medicine, and enjoy a variety of clear fluids of your choice to stay hydrated.


New to Canada, a high potency probiotic, containing 8 strains of live bacteria in concentrations of 450 billion bacteria per packet and 112.5 billion per capsule. This product contains live bacteria and is shipped and stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency.

Oral Hemorrhoid Medication:

Now available in Canada. An over the counter , oral treatment that helps reduce the duration and severity of hemorrhoids and relieves hemorrhoid symptoms, such as pain, edema (swelling) and bleeding.

The oral tablets are discreet and easy to use, eliminating trips to the bathroom to apply messy ointments or suppositories.